타로 카드 & 오라클 카드/앤젤 앤써

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 36. There's something better

이슬타로 2022. 12. 8. 09:50

엔젤 앤써 한글 해설




Heaven has something wonderful in mind for you! However, it's not the same thing you have planned. Ask your self what you would rather have: the very thing you're asking for or something that 102페이 would make you much happier and more fulfilled? Sometimes the Divine has joys in store for us that we could never imagine on our own. Open your mind and heart to the possibility that you deserve even more than what you're asking for. Trust your angels to guide you in new and exciting directions!



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"이 포스팅이 도움이 되었다면 공감버튼 ♡ 꼭 눌러주세요"
