
전체 글 741

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 21. Meditation Brings Answers

21. MEDITATION BRINGS ANSWERS Trying to come up with an intellectual answer to your concerns hasn't been suc cessful. That's because the solutions you seek can only be found by going within, through meditation or inner spiritual work. You may also gather insights from your nighttime dreams, as your subcon scious creates solutions for you that are not available to your waking mind. 명상이 답을 줍니다 여러분..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 20. Look For a Sign

20. LOOK FOR A SIGN Your angels have a very special and specific answer to your question. You can expect to see signs right away that will have deep meaning to you. Many people see white feathers to indicate that their angels are with them. Or they may smell scents from their childhood that they con nect with a family member. Signs require focused attention, so be awake to the possibilities. Don..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 19. Listen to your intuition

19. LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITION Your intuition is completely reliable and accurate at this time. Listen to your own inner guidance and you can't go wrong. You can be certain that the mes sages you're receiving from your angels are real and trustworthy. Have faith in your feelings about the circumstances you're experiencing. Your insights into other people and their true feelings or motives are perf..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 18. Let go

18. LET GO The time has come to let go of this situation. Stop focusing on how or when it will be solved or even why it occurred. Relationships that are unhealthy or unfulfilling should be released in order to allow something better to come along. Don't worry-Source and your angels have everything under control. A key aspect to manifesting your desires is to ask for what you want and then to rel..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 17. It's up to you

17. IT'S UP TO YOU! The end result of the situation you asked about is entirely in your hands! You can affect the outcome by taking a proac tive approach to solving any challenges. Stand in your own power and have confi dence that you have what it takes to bring about a happy ending! Don't wait for someone else to rush in and take charge. In order to come to a suc cessful conclusion, this situat..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 16. In the near future

16. IN THE NEAR FUTUREWhat you are asking about will occur very soon, so you won't have to wait much longer. Stay optimistic and continue upon your current path. Be open to receiving. 가까운 미래에 여러분이 묻는 것은 곧 일어날 것이기 때문에 여러분은 더 오래 기다릴 필요가 없을 것입니다. 낙관적으로 생각하고 현재의 길을 계속유지하세요. 받는 것에 더 개방적이 되어야 합니다 . "이 포스팅이 도움이 되었다면 공감버튼 ♡ 꼭 눌러주세요"

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 15. Impoving Health

15. IMPROVING HEALTH The angels want you to know that the health of the person you asked about is going to improve. You can request the assistance of Archangel Raphael and your guardian angels to speed along the recovery. This card may also be urging you to make more healthful choices in your life. If you're feeling called to detox from harm ful foods or substances, you should fol low that guida..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 14. If you believe

14. IF YOU BELIEVE What you need right now is faith. You can have what you desire, but you must believe that it can be so! Stay positive and visualize the outcome you're hoping for. Set aside all negativity or pessimism in favor of a sunny outlook. The Law of Attraction brings to us what we expect to receive. If our perception is that we deserve great things, then we will attract happiness. If w..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 13. Helpful People

13. HELPFUL PEOPLE This card indicates that it's time to expand your circle of friends. Or you may find yourself needing to do some profes sional networking. Make time to branch out in order to create the personal or career connections necessary to be happy and successful! This card can also indicate that your situation requires the input of those who can assist you in accomplishing the task bef..
