
타로와 오라클 카드/엔젤 앤써 42

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 34. Take Action

34. TAKE ACTION The time has come to take action! Your angels are waiting for you to take the next step so that they can assist you along the path to your dreams. Do away with procrastination and uncertainty. In your heart, you know what to do. Get going! Whether you're focused upon career, relationships, or some other topic, the ful illment of your wishes isn't going to just fall into your lap!..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 33. Success!

33. SUCCESS! Congratulations! You are on the road to success. You needn't have any reserva tions about your situation, as it's going to work out beautifully! Part of living a successful life is tak ing care of yourself. It's wonderful to have many things to be grateful for, but make sure you don't wear yourself down by working too hard. Take time to enjoy peace in your life. 성공! 축하합니다! 여러분은 성공으로..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 32. Romance

32. ROMANCE A very important relationship is about to enter, or has recently entered, your life. This is the romance you have been waiting for! Like all partnerships, there may be ups and downs, but don't let that deter you or shake your confidence. Have faith that love is coming into your life to stay! If your question was about a current relationship, you can expect the parties to become close..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 31. Remain Positive

31. REMAIN POSITIVE Thẹ angels are asking you to keep an optimistic attitude! There is a very positive momentum beginning to build toward the creation of your desires. You're speed ing your dreams along by maintaining a cheerful and confident demeanor. It may seem as though your plans are taking a long time to manifest, but very soon you will see a change. Don't allow yourself to lose hope when ..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 30. Recovery

30. RECOVERY This is a period of recovery and heal ing for you. The challenging emotions that you've been dealing with will fade away with time. Although it may be difficult to see now, there is a joyful future awaiting you. But for now, take all the time you need to regain your strength. This card can also mean that your recovery is nearly finished or already com plete. Send words of gratitude ..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 29. Reconsider

29. RECONSIDER There is an element of your plan that should be reevaluated. Take some time to really go through your project or proposal thoroughly. Share your intentions with a trusted friend or advisor who can give you objective feedback. Ask your angels for guidance. This is not the moment to make the change in your life that you're consid ering. A better time will come, or you'll realize tha..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 28. Perfect Timing

28. PERFECT TIMING This is the perfect timing for the sit uation you've asked about. Move forward with confidence! Don't delay or hesitate, because an energy gateway is presently open for you. Conditions are ripe. Even if you don't feel prepared, rest assured that you are! 완벽한 타이밍 이것은 여러분이 질문한 상황에 완벽한 타이밍입니다. 자신감을 가지고 앞으로 나아가세요! 에너지 문이 현재 열려 있으므로 미루거나 주저하지 마세요. 조건이 무르익었습니다. 비록 여러분이 준비되었다고 느끼지 않더..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 27. Peaceful Resolution

27. PEACEFUL RESOLUTION The challenges you're inquiring about are going to come to an end. Conflict will cease and soon be replaced with harmony. There will be a sense of peace shared by all, even if some only "agree to disagree." Disagreements will be resolved in your favor. This includes struggles with employers, legal battles, arbitration, and even strife among family or friends. Be for- givi..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 25. Not the right time

25. NOT THE RIGHT TIME This is not the right time presently for what you're inquiring about. This answer is not a "no," just a "not yet." Have patience. Your angels will give you a sign when the timing is perfect. 적절한 시기가 아닙니다.지금은 여러분이 질문하는 것에 대한 적절한 시기가 아닙니다. 이 대답은 "아니오"가 아니라 "아직은 아닐“ 뿐입니다. 인내심을 가지세요. 여러분의 천사는 타이밍이 완벽할 때 신호를 줄 것입니다. "이 포스팅이 도움이 되었다면 공감버튼 ♡ 꼭 눌러주세요"

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 24. No Need To Worry

24. NO NEED TO WORRY Your worries and concerns regarding your question are unnecessary. Your angels have the situation well in hand, and every thing is going to turn out perfectly! Obsessing over this subject isn't helpful. The energy of fear and worry only slows the eventual manifesting of your desires. Visualize loving and happy. 걱정할 필요 없음 질문에 대한 걱정은 불필요합니다. 여러분의 천사들은 상황을 잘 관리하고 있고, 모든 것은 완벽하게..
