
타로독학 475

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 5. Engagement 약혼

5. Engagement Your love life is ascending to a higher level of commitment. Congratulations! This card signals pending nuptials, beginning with a romantic engagement. Even if you're not presently in a relationship, the Romance Angels can see one upon your horizon. This card comes to you as reassurance specifically so that you'll choose to release any worries about whether you'll get married ... b..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 10. Free Yourself 자유로워지기

10. Free Yourself It's time to take back control of your life. Like the unicorn in the image on this card, you may be feeling trapped. Perhaps you've relinquished control to someone else, or maybe you feel smothered in your career or relationship. As you tune in to yourself, you'll sense the specific areas where this message applies to you. You can even ask yourself, “In what ways do I feel limi..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 9. Forgiving and Learning 용서와 배움

9. Forgiving and Learning As you release and heal the past, you expe rience more love in your present moments. The Romance Angels have heard your desire for great love, and they bring you this card as guidance. They see that your heart can give and receive the bliss of romance by clearing away the cobwebs of the past. The angels know that you've been hurt before, and that you're wary of being hu..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 8. Flirt

8. Flirt Extend your lighthearted energy to others! The Romance Angels guide you to ini tiate romance with flirtatiousness, which entails smiling with your eyes as you connect with others. It doesn't necessarily involve sexuality, although it can. Flirting is play ful in nature, and playfulness is the heart of romance. If you're in a relationship, flirt ing with your partner can revive passion. ..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 7. Finances and Career

7. Finances and Career Financial issues are a factor in your love life right now. Money and love have historically been linked, and this card points to this correlation. The Romance Angels want to disen tangle you from financial or career pressures so that you may enjoy every aspect of your life ... including romance. While work can be a source of heart opening satisfaction, it must be balanced ..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 6. Express Your Love 사랑 표현하기

6. Express Your Love Go ahead and make the romantic gesture. This card urges you to take the initiative in your love life! That may mean contacting someone to whom you're attracted and ask ing that person out on a date. It could also mean sending flowers, texts, or gifts to your beloved. As you express romance, these feelings pour through you. You actually become the biggest beneficiary of your ..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 4. Deception 속임

4. Deception Someone is wearing a false-self mask in this relationship. This card is a loving nudge for you to beware of deception within a relationship. This could involve something mild, such as run-of-the-mill politeness, where your partner is afraid of offending you by sharing true feelings. Perhaps you're the one wearing the mask, because you aren't disclosing something to your partner. Dee..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 3. Chemistry 화학반응

3. Chemistry There's a strong magnetic attraction here. You've received this card because you feel a strong dynamic pull toward another person. In other words, you share chemistry with him or her. This creates intense pleasurable sensations that draw you to each other. If this person is someone other than your partner in a committed relationship, then the chemistry is probably a source of both s..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 2. Calling in Your Soul Mate 소울메이트 불러오기

2. Calling in Your Soul Mate Your prayers, affirmations, and visualizations help bring you together. You, like everyone, have soul mates. These are people with whom you shared time in heaven and in other lives. You made a soul agreement to meet in this lifetime, for the purpose of mutual spiritual growth. You have many such agreements, with various people who are all your soul mates. They includ..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 1. Attraction 매력

1. Attraction You attract romantic love by enjoying this moment fully. Like a good friend, the Romance Angels send you this card to tell you the truth: the best way to have more romance in your life is through attraction, rather than through strenuous effort. You are most attractive when you're fully enjoying yourself in the present. Your joyful laughter, self-expression, and body language are b..
