
타로 카드 & 오라클 카드/앤젤 앤써 42

[엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle] 한글 해설 - 44. You're ready

44. YOU'RE READY All your past experiences have led to this moment. You've studied and grown spiritually in many ways. There is nothing more to do. You're ready to move forward and to embrace the person you know in your heart you are meant to be. 당신은 준비되었습니다 여러분의 모든 과거 경험이 이 순간을 이끌었습니다. 여러분은 많은 면에서 정신적으로 공부하고 성장했습니다. 더 이상 할 일이 없습니다. 여러분은 앞으로 나아갈 준비가 되어 있고 여러분이 알고 있는 사람을 마음속으로 받아들일 준비가 되어 있습니다. "..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 43. Yes!

43. YES! Bravo! The decision you've made is the right one. There's no need to continue to sort through additional options. You know what to do, and you should move forward with your plans! You've made the correct choice for your personal growth and development; however, some decisions can be a true challenge. If the task ahead of you is daunting or even sad, then proceed with your plans in a way..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 42. Yes

42. YES The answer to your question is yes. If you want a more detailed reply to your inquiry, you can ask additional questions and pull more cards. 예스여러분의 질문에 대한 대답은 예스입니다. 질문한 내용에 대해 더 자세한 답변을 원한다면 추가 질문을 한 후 카드를 더 뽑으면 됩니다. "포스팅이 도움이 되었다면 공감 버튼 ♡ 꾹 눌러주세요 "

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 41. Within the next few weeks

41. WITHIN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS What you asked about will happen this month, or soon thereafter. Your patience is rewarded! 앞으로 몇 주 안에 여러분이 물어본 일이 이번 달이나 그 이후에 일어날 것입니다. 여러분의 인내는 보상을 받습니다! "이 포스팅이 도움이 되었다면 공감버튼 ♡ 꼭 눌러주세요"

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 40. Within the next few months

40. WITHIN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS In the next few months, what you are asking about will occur. Divine timing means that other people's freewill choices are also involved, so keep the faith while all of the pieces of this puzzle come together and the situation resolves itself beautifully. 앞으로 몇 달 안에 여러분이 묻고 있는 것이 앞으로 몇 달 안에. 신성한 타이밍은 다른 사람들의 자유 의지의 선택도 개입되어 있다는 것을 의미하므로, 이 퍼즐의 조각들이 모두 모여 상황이 아름답게 해..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 39. Wait

39. WAIT Your situation is going to require a little patience. Your angels are not say ing "no," but they are saying "not yet." Sometimes Heaven needs a little extra time to make all the pieces fall perfectly into place. What you are asking for may have an effect on the lives of others. When that occurs, it can take additional prepara tion to make sure that everyone's needs are seen to. Be patie..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 38. Unlikely

38. UNLIKELY The situation you have asked about is unlikely to occur as you are imagining it. There may be a different version of events that will take place. Or it may be that what you've asked about is simply not in your highest, greatest good. Place your focus on an alternative possibility. Open your eyes to different opportunities. Be willing to experience unique and more uplifting outcome t..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 37. Trust

TRUST This is a time for trust. Sometimes there is no yes or no to a question. There are situations where we are better served by not knowing what is to come so that the miracle can unfold beforeI our very eyes. Like children opening a gift, part of the magic of our lives is found in the joy of surprise! Trust that your angels have something amazing in store for you even if they can't quite tell..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 36. There's something better

36. THERE'S SOMETHING BETTER Heaven has something wonderful in mind for you! However, it's not the same thing you have planned. Ask your self what you would rather have: the very thing you're asking for or something that 102페이 would make you much happier and more fulfilled? Sometimes the Divine has joys in store for us that we could never imagine on our own. Open your mind and heart to the possi..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 35. The Situation Will Improve

32. THE SITUATION WILL IMPROVE Your angels want you to know that they are aware that things look difficult right now. However, the situation is going to improve. It may take some time, and there will most likely be some hard work ahead of you. But the effort you put forth will be worth it, and things are going to get better! Now is not the time to give up on wounded friendships or ailing relatio..
