
타로 카드 & 오라클 카드/위즈덤 오라클 51

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 52번 Mending 한글 해석 및 의미

52. Mending Essential meanings: Forgiveness; mak ing amends; healing after arguments. The Oracle’s message: Each time we are hurt and allow the hurt to pass through us without understanding and integration, we accumulate an unwanted burden. This keeps us chained to the very things we need to heal: the pain, the memories, the echoes of resentments, and the arguments that we rehearse over and over..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 51번 Milk and Honey (우유와 꿀) 한글 해석 및 의미

51. Milk and Honey Essential meanings: The taste of pros perity; opportunities born of authenticityi. nurturing abundance; 'trusting that your needs will be met. The Oracle’s message: You’ve entered a sweet time in your life, enjoying the “land of milk and honey” that everyone wants to experience. It’s an interlude that feels more languid than ambitious, when all your senses are awake to the unl..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 50번 No Place Like Home

50. No Place Like Home Essential meanings: Authenticity; coming home to yourself; feeling at home; ar riving at a place where you just “fit”; being comfortable in your own skin. The Oracle’s message: Home feels safe and secure; it’s a comfortable place to rest and create, a place that is known and you can call yours. This card signals that your ability to trust yourself and feel at home in your ..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 49번 Observer (관찰자) 한글 해석 및 의미

49. Observer Essential meanings: Perspective; objectivity; neutral observation from a distance. The Oracle’s message: Most people see the world through a personal lens. They closely identify with their feelings and experiences— so much so that they come to believe that these are the only reality. There are times when you need distance in order to gain perspective and understand your circumstance..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 48번 Poised (준비 된) 한글 해석 및 의미

48. Poised Essential meanings: Being ready; bringing something to light; being at your best; confidence. The Oracle's message: You can be as sured that you are ready for anything right now. You know what you need to, your skills are sharp, you've come to this place armed with wisdom and knowledge, and you sense a new phase of your life about to begin. People respond to your confidence and trust ..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 47번 Go the Distance (끝까지 가기) 한글 해석 및 의미

47. Go the Distance Essential meanings: Endurance; strength; the long haul. The Oracle's message: To bring your dream to life, you must think long-term and pay no attention to the fluctuations in the current of your experience. Joy and disappointment commingle with opportunities, so there is no need to fear the occasional obstacle. Life is not a sprint. This card is a re minder that you have end..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 46번 Regeneration (재생) 한글 해석 및 의미

46. Regeneration Essential meanings: Rebirth; second chances; new opportunities. The Oracle's message: Second chanc es are available to you now. Whatever op portunities you thought were dead are now revived, in a more authentic, stronger form. Whatever you may have perceived as a failure or loss is now being replaced by something better and more powerful growing in its place. This rebirth is ass..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 45번 Time to Go 한글 해석 및 의미

45. Time to Go Essential meanings: Endings; comple tion; walking away from something because there is nothing else to learn or experience. The Oracle's message: You are at the end of one journey and have not yet begun the next. This is the moment to bless your experience thus far. Take stock of what you've learned. It's time to move on to new experiences and a new way of being. There is nothing ..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 43번 Deep Knowing (깊은 지식) 한글 해석 및 의미

43. Deep Knowing Essential meanings: Intuition; lis tening to the oracle within; empathy; hypersensitivity. The Oracle's message: Intuition is the faculty that allows you to enter into a dia logue with Source, the Consciousness that you are a part of but cannot see with the naked eye. It's perplexing that people are taught to ignore this natural capacity to navigate their journeys, to access the..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 42번 Chop Wood 한글 해석 및 의미

42. Chop Wood Essential meanings: Being grounded in everyday experience; humility. The Oracle's message: There are times when the big dream is meant to lie dormant in your consciousness so that you can pay attention to the simple chores in your life. Consider why pruning a tree is the forerunner of delighting in the beautiful blooms when it is in full blossom. The mundane act of pulling off dead..
