
타로와 오라클 카드/샤머닉 힐링 오라클 44

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 34. Ancient Wisdom 고대의 지혜

34. Ancient Wisdom Nature is the perfect place to center yourself and ground out any excessive noise in your head. In nature, all the secrets of the universe are held: from the fiercest energy of a raging sea in a storm to the nurturing and loving energy of a hundred year old grove of trees. Get out in nature and listen to what she has to tell you. There is much to learn from nature. Trees just ..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 33. Integration 통합

33. Integration 통합 We are a sum of all our experiences in this and other lives. We all bring forward a wealth of knowledge, talents, and wisdom. One of the challenges is remembering who we are. We are bombarded every day in every way with messages on who we should be, what we should do, what we should wear, how we should live.... These messages coming from the media, society, our family and frie..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 32. Struggle 투쟁

32. Struggles Struggle is a part of this life—so much so that you probably know people who seem to constantly attract one struggle after another into their lives. This is their comfort zone. While struggle is natural, it is natural only so far as it lends itself to learning lessons and overcoming inner personal challenges. Beneath every one of these struggles is the gift of enlightenment. The sa..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 31. Omens 징조

31. OMENS Hawks are messengers. This majestic bird flies high and reaches the realms of the spirit. They bring backmessages from both the seen and unseen. Drawing this card speaks of focus and intuition. Pay attention to the coincidences in your life right now. Focus on where you want to go-how high do you want to fly? When you see a hawk, someone is trying to get your attention. Pay attention t..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 30. Divine Timing 신의 계시

30. Divine Timing How often do you feel that you want things in your life to change NOW? Not two years from now, not even two months, but: Right. This. Instant! Seldom do we see the whole picture of why our lives are unfolding the way they are. We don't need to. What we need to do is surrender to the way things are right now. This doesn't mean to not take action when a situation in untenable. Wh..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 29. Changes 변화

29. Changes Like ripples from the smallest drop of water in a pond, the smallest of changes in one's life can bring about the greatest rewards. Think about changes you can make in your life. These do not have to be grand, sweeping changes. Judicious, small changes can add up to life changes after time. Think about small changes you can make now that will add to your quality of life: clean out cl..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 28. Anger 분노

28. Anger A very strong and primal emotion, anger sometimes catches us by surprise. At other times it seethes just under the surface, simmering a long while until it boils over, scalding anyone who is close. Anger is based in fear. Fear of loss of control, fear of not being loved, fear of being judged, fear of not being enough. When anger enters your life-be it yours or someone else's--go beneat..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 27. Stripping Illusions 환상 제거

27. Stripping Illusions The lotus flower is a funny plant. It flourishes in the muck and mud. Apparently, in spite of the muck of its birth, beautiful petals open up, layer after layer, revealing more and more of its inner beauty. You are being called to strip away illusion after illusion from your life! You are being asked to enable your true essence to shine through! Allow layer after layer of..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 26. Duality 이원성

26. Duality Black and white/good and evil/yes and no/ up and down and want/don't want. These are all examples of dualistic thinking. What if you banned these labels from your thoughts for a day? What would happen? Would the world end? Doubtful. Would some person "get away” with something. No. Would you attach less emotion to a “bad” situation or drama. Possibly. If that happened and there was le..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 25. Sexual Energy 성적 에너지

25. Sexual Energy In the purest sense, sexual energy is not an energy tobe expanded from you. It is a state to reside in. The first and second chakras are the root of our sexual feelings. When you use this very potent energy to manipulate people and situations, you are doing yourself a huge disservice. When you expand your life force energy up from your first two chakras and incorporate the ener..
