
오라클카드 119

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 17번 The Fates (운명) 한글 해석 및 의미

17. The Fates Essential meanings: Fate; karma; ac ceptance that there are things you cannot change and knowing what those things are. The Oracle's message: The Serenity Prayer sums up the meaning of this card: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” There are things in life you will never ha..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 16번 All That Glitters (반짝이는 모든 것) 한글 해석 및 의미

16. All That Glitters Essential meanings: A need to see beyond the superficial; the desire to don a mask or dress something up to disguise its true nature; trying to be something you're not; chasing after every sparkly new thing; being mercurial. The Oracle's message: It's only human to want to adorn oneself in trinkets and paint a pretty picture of oneself. It's natural to want to acquire the t..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 15번 Message in a Bottle (병속의 메시지) 한글 해석 및 의미

15. Message in a Bottle Essential meanings: Communication; a sign; a cledon (the ancient name for a spontaneous oracle delivered innocently by the speaker) pointing the way to your highest good. The Oracle's message: Spirit sends you signs when you ask for them; when you believe you will receive them; and when you allow yourself to become fluent in the language of symbols, oracles, and omens. Th..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 13번 Fork in the Road (갈림길) 한글 해석 및 의미

13. Fork in the Road Essential meanings: Time to make a decision; considering the consequences as you prepare to act; owning up to your obli gation to make a necessary choice. The Oracle's message: Every choice has a consequence. You've arrived at a fork in the road and are being asked to come to a decision. Will you further your dreams by choosing left? Or by choosing right? Will you take the r..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 12번 A Change in the Wind (바람의 변화) 한글 해석 및 의미

12. A Change in the Wind Essential meanings: A sense that un seen change has been initiated; preparation for a storm; awareness that your plans are not on firm ground; feeling a shift; un certainty about which direction the winds will blow. The Oracle's message: It's human nature to yearn for certainty and resist change to want the world to remain consistent like a zebra's stripes. Yet nothing i..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 11번 By the Book (규칙대로) 한글 해석 및 의미

11. By the Book Essential meanings: Abiding by social rules; conformity; respecting cultural or family customs; universal laws. The Oracle's message: The universe works within a structure of Divine laws and principles that provides a framework for human experience and evolution. The Law of Abundance, the Law of Prayer, the Law of Karma, the Law of Attraction, the Law of Thought, the Law of Compe..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 10번 Unfinished Symphony (미완성 교향곡) 한글 해석 및 의미

10. Unfinished Symphony Essential meanings: Unfinished business; an incomplete lesson; lack of closure; the need to make amends. The Oracle's message: This is a time to tie up loose ends as you near the completion of a cycle or project and mastery of a les son or skill. Before you can move forward, it's important that you come to terms with where you are now. Practice radical acceptance. Take in..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 9번 Treasure Island (보물섬) 한글 해석 및 의미

9. Treasure Island Essential meanings: The Law of At traction bringing dreams into fruition; the results of positive thinking made manifest; abundance appearing as if from nowhere; financial gains and the sharing of good fortune. The Oracle's message: You've worked hard and acted upon your unwavering belief in abundance, and suddenly, in the midst of it all, you hit the jackpot. You have uncover..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 8번 Community (The Tribe) 공동체 한글 해석 및 의미

8. Community Essential meanings: Belonging; being seen and understood by others; like-minded connections; a sense of family and friend ship; knowing your place in the world. The Oracle's message: This card sig nals a new affiliation with a group. Hu mans are social creatures, and we need toknow we are useful to our families and com munities. In a community, everyone has an important function and..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 - 1번 Yang (양) 한글 해석 및 의미

1.Yang Essential meanings: The masculine principle of movement and creative activity; the power to make things happen; taking action. The Oracle's message: Yang represents the power of action, the energies that propel the world forward, and manifesting thought and desire into concrete form. Now is the perfect time to act, for you can easily build momentum and make headway. What you want will com..
