
오라클카드 119

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 13. Abundance 풍요

13. Abundance Abundance takes on many forms : material possessions, friendships, excellent health, emotional stability, unique experiences. When you lock yourself into a narrow view on what defines abundance, you lose out on the whole picture of what it could mean. Open yourself up to as many forms of wealth and abundance that are possible and watch your blessings multiply. Always remember that ..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 11. New Day 새로운 날

11. New Day A new day enables us to see in a brand new light. We can see more clearly once the shadows of fear and doubt are brushed away by the light of creation. Once the initial shock of discovering the duality in a situation has worn off, you can find comfort that there truly is no bad or good. It just is. When this is realized, the possibilities for the outcome of a situation become endless..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 [Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards] 해설 - 10. Burden 짐

10. Burden Many times we take on the stress of those we love and care for. We see it as the ultimate sacrifice. We take on others' burdens to save them the trouble or heartache. Ironically, the way energy and the universe work makes this a very counterproductive way of operating. When we take on the burdens of others, we deny them the ability to learn and grow from their own lessons. We also int..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 7. Reunion of Souls 영혼의 재결합

7. Reunion of Soul There is a school of thought that says before our souls come to earth, we make contracts, or agreements, with other souls. At one point in time , we appear in each other's lives to assist those involved in learning a lesson, being a catalyst for a needed change, or to share in profound joy. When a person comes into your life to teach you a lesson - no matter the human form, no..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 5. Psychic Development 심령 발달

5. Psychic Development The energy and healing work you are doing now will enable you to heighten your sensitivity to the energy around you and others. This will assist you in developing discernment. Discernment is the feeling you get in your body that signals to you whether something feels right or wrong: your sixth sense, your gut feeling. The situation you are inquiring about is asking you to ..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 4. Past, Present & Future 과거, 현재 & 미래

4. Past, Present & Future We all arrive on this earth with a plan. We all have lessons to learn. In the process of learning these lessons, most of us will encounter experiences that we will label as "bad.” This labeling and duality we carry with us wherever we go is what we call our so-called "baggage.” When we let these labels direct our reactions to life and experiences in the present, or even..

[샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드] Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards - 3. Slow But Steady 천천히 그러나 꾸준하게

3. Slow But Steady Don't rush the situation. More often than not divine timing and our timing are not the same! When you try to speed up a life experience, a relationship or even a project, you circumvent necessary experiences or lessons along the way that will contribute to a perfect outcome. Know that wherever you are in this situation, it's the perfect place for you to be. If this place is ca..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 2. New Beginnigs 새로운 시작

2. New Biginings Water, emotion, energy, all life affirming and life giving. Patience is the key. Once the deluge of emotion passes, you will see that left in its wake is a wondrous new day, a rainbow of possibilities. Do not get attached to the emotions that surround this situation. This will only attach your identification with the emotion itself-giving it more power and hindering the release,..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 1. Movement Into Balance 균형으로의 이동

1. Movement Into Balance The sun balances the moon just as the earth, the water, and the sky remain in precious balance - so you are moving from unbalanced ideas and lifestyles into a more balanced way of being. A situation may call for some tweaking to adjust it into a balanced mode. Look at the energy and emotions you are putting out into the universe, your world, your relationships, or goals...

레노먼드 13번 child 아이

[아이 카드가 나올 때 필요한 질문]  내가 너무 순진한가경험이 많은 사람의 도움을 어디에서 찾을 수 있는가나의 새로운 관점에서 어떤 이점을 얻을 수 있는가인생의 새로운 출발을 위해 필요한 곳은 어디인가내삶의 어떤 부분이 재미있어지면 도움이 될까좀 더 성숙한 접근 방식을 취하면 목표를 달성하는데 도움이 될까과거를 버리고 새로운 시작을 할 것인가   키워드 아기 유아 어린이 젊은사람 누군가의 자식 아들 딸 내면아이 작은 크기 섬세함 귀여움 취약성 약점 민감성 취약성 무해함 비하 최소화 청년 신선함 참신함 혁신 게임 놀이 장난기 진지하지 못함 무경험 지도와 지원이 필요 순진함 속기 쉬움 미숙한시작 첫 번째 단계활동 약화시키다. 젊어지게 한다. 최소화하기, 얕잡아보는, 개발 시작. 안내가 필요하다. 첫걸음을 ..
