
타로 158

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 38. Unlikely

38. UNLIKELY The situation you have asked about is unlikely to occur as you are imagining it. There may be a different version of events that will take place. Or it may be that what you've asked about is simply not in your highest, greatest good. Place your focus on an alternative possibility. Open your eyes to different opportunities. Be willing to experience unique and more uplifting outcome t..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 36. There's something better

36. THERE'S SOMETHING BETTER Heaven has something wonderful in mind for you! However, it's not the same thing you have planned. Ask your self what you would rather have: the very thing you're asking for or something that 102페이 would make you much happier and more fulfilled? Sometimes the Divine has joys in store for us that we could never imagine on our own. Open your mind and heart to the possi..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 35. The Situation Will Improve

32. THE SITUATION WILL IMPROVE Your angels want you to know that they are aware that things look difficult right now. However, the situation is going to improve. It may take some time, and there will most likely be some hard work ahead of you. But the effort you put forth will be worth it, and things are going to get better! Now is not the time to give up on wounded friendships or ailing relatio..

타로 수비학

타로 수비학의 정의 숫자를 통해 모든 것이 명확해진다고 하는 타로 수비학의 개념이 있다. 숫자의 의미를 읽는 것보다 가장 순수한 형태의 숫자를 상상하는 것이 도움이 될 것이다. 1번은 스스로를 돌아볼 무언가가 필요하고, 그런 이유로 2번이 탄생한다. 그렇다면 1번으로 돌아가지 않고 2번이 재회를 기대한다면 어떻게 될까? 또 하나의 완전히 독특한 실체를 만들어낼까? 하지만 3은 깊이, 견고함, 방향성을 만들기 위해 4가 필요한 반면, 5는 변화와 동기가 필요한 과도한 안정성 때문에 슬픔을 가져온다. 6번은 하모니이고 7번은 도전이다. 숫자 8은 사각형인 숫자 4의 물리적 순서와 중복된다. 숫자 9는 하나 또는 여러 3진수로 홀수 점을 완성한다. 그리고 마지막으로 숫자 10은 독특함을 다른 차원으로 되돌린다..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 26. Opportunity

26. OPPORTUNITY Positive growth and expansion is on the horizon for you. This opportunity may bring with it inspiration and insight, or it could be the chance you've been wait ing for to take action on ideas you already have. You may be seeking to manifest the chance to create changes in your career, buy or sell a home, or bring romance into your life. Whatever your desires, your angels are abou..

카테고리 없음 2022.12.05

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 24. No Need To Worry

24. NO NEED TO WORRY Your worries and concerns regarding your question are unnecessary. Your angels have the situation well in hand, and every thing is going to turn out perfectly! Obsessing over this subject isn't helpful. The energy of fear and worry only slows the eventual manifesting of your desires. Visualize loving and happy. 걱정할 필요 없음 질문에 대한 걱정은 불필요합니다. 여러분의 천사들은 상황을 잘 관리하고 있고, 모든 것은 완벽하게..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 21. Meditation Brings Answers

21. MEDITATION BRINGS ANSWERS Trying to come up with an intellectual answer to your concerns hasn't been suc cessful. That's because the solutions you seek can only be found by going within, through meditation or inner spiritual work. You may also gather insights from your nighttime dreams, as your subcon scious creates solutions for you that are not available to your waking mind. 명상이 답을 줍니다 여러분..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 20. Look For a Sign

20. LOOK FOR A SIGN Your angels have a very special and specific answer to your question. You can expect to see signs right away that will have deep meaning to you. Many people see white feathers to indicate that their angels are with them. Or they may smell scents from their childhood that they con nect with a family member. Signs require focused attention, so be awake to the possibilities. Don..

엔젤 앤써 오라클 카드 / Angel answers oracle 한글 해설 - 19. Listen to your intuition

19. LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITION Your intuition is completely reliable and accurate at this time. Listen to your own inner guidance and you can't go wrong. You can be certain that the mes sages you're receiving from your angels are real and trustworthy. Have faith in your feelings about the circumstances you're experiencing. Your insights into other people and their true feelings or motives are perf..
