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로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 39. Wedding 결혼식

39. Wedding This situation involves marriage. You drew this card because of an upcom- ing wedding (your own or someone else's). It comes to you because marriage plays a role in the answer to your question. For some people, this card could be a validation that you will get married, and asks you to keep the faith and continue enjoying your life without worry about your future marital status. For o..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 38. Very Soon

38. Very Soon Clearly decide what you want so that it comes to you now. This card asks you, "What do you want?" and demands very clear and specific answers. Just like putting in your order at a restau- rant, the universe has been listening to your thoughts and feelings about your love life and has brought you what you asked for. When you complain about what's served to you, it's only because you..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 27. Reconciliation 화해

27. Reconciliation Someone from your past is returning to your life. This card indicates that an ex-lover may be reentering your life. The first person you think of is likely who it will be. The purpose of this reconciliation is to achieve healing and closure with respect to your past. You will understand more about yourself and see your relationship patterns more clearly. You'll also take respo..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 24. Past-Life Relationship 전생의 관계

24. Past-Life Relationship You have known each other before. The Romance Angels sent you this card to explain the relationship you've inquired about. You have some unfinished business in conjunction with a soul mate from a past life time. This may involve forgiving someone, a joint project, or learning personal lessons such as patience. Soul mates recognize each other instantly, and this feeling..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 18. Let Go of Control Issues 통제하지 않기

18. Let Go of Control Issues Allow this situation to unfold naturally. The Romance Angels have heard your prayers about your love life. Now, it's up to you to allow their help to manifest by stepping out of their way. By trying to control other people or external circumstances, you'll only frustrate yourself and slow down your answered prayer. There are plenty of times in life that call for you ..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 16. It Is Safe for You to Love

16. It Is Safe for You to Love Open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all. This card indicates that you're protect ing your heart from hurt because of painful relationship experiences. However, the angels can only bring as much romance as you'll allow inside. If you have a shield around your heart, how is love to get in? A closed heart repels the sensitive partner you're tryin..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 15. Honeymoon 허니문

15. Honeymoon Enjoy the bliss of holiday time together. This card indicates the need for a get away to nurture romantic love. The specific application of this message depends upon the person who is inquiring. For some, this card has a literal mean ing: you are going away with your new spouse following your wedding. For those already in a longtime partnership, this card speaks to reigniting the s..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 14. Heart-to-Heart Conversations 터놓고 대화하기

14. Heart-to-Heart Conversations Honestly discuss your feelings with each other. Your love life needs a healthy infusion of honest communication, according to the Romance Angels. You've been harboring emotions that are masking your feelings of love. There's still time to heal the situation; however, it will require effort on your part. You may need to initiate an uncomfortable discussion and ris..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 11. Getting to Know Each Other 서로 알아가기

11. Getting to Know Each Other As you reveal your innermost selves to each other, your bond deepens. The Romance Angels are guiding you to create intimacy with your partner by revealing your true feelings, your dreams and desires, and the other innermost aspects of yourselves. You discover commonalities and learn new ways of relating. If you're presently in a relationship, this card is a message..

로맨스 엔젤 오라클 카드 한글 해설 - 5. Engagement 약혼

5. Engagement Your love life is ascending to a higher level of commitment. Congratulations! This card signals pending nuptials, beginning with a romantic engagement. Even if you're not presently in a relationship, the Romance Angels can see one upon your horizon. This card comes to you as reassurance specifically so that you'll choose to release any worries about whether you'll get married ... b..
