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위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 39번 New Life (새로운 인생) 한글 해석 및 의미

39. New Life Essential meanings: Birth of new ideas; growth; opportunities; a breath of fresh air; life renewing itself. The Oracle's message: When spring awakens the world, joy and excitement can be felt all around and in your very core. Blossoms burst from trees overnight, birds return home and sing their glorious song, and nature is full of promise. Miracles beck on all of us. This is one of ..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 38번 To be fair (공정하기) 한글 해석 및 의미

38. To Be Fair Essential meanings: Balance; justice; a need to consider options; mutual benefit; the Law of Cause and Effect. The Oracle’s message: Life offers experiences that are challenging and experiences that are nourishing, yet over time, they strike a balance. You move from being, from stasis, to doing—from discovering, to loving, to letting go—to being again. Life is a pendulum swinging ..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 36번 Come to the Edge

36. Come to the Edge Essential meanings: Courage; taking a leap of faith; overcoming fear and accepting risk. The Oracle’s message: Facing the unknown is the only choice you really have right now if you want to progress. It’s okay to be afraid. Now is the time to take a risk that is not calculated—to feel the exhilaration as you ready yourself for a leap of faith. Spirit is present, so let go of..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 32번 Here and Now (지금 여기) 한글 해석 및 의미

32. Here and Now Essential meanings: Being fully pres ent in the moment; living one day at a time. The Oracle’s message: Everything happens in the now, in the present. Only this moment counts. You have what it takes to handle anything today if you let go of the need to look into the future or reflect on the past. Be present and notice what is going on right now. This very moment has the potentia..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 31번 Why? 한글 해석 및 의미

31. Why? Essential meanings: Motives driving intention; the power of knowing the “why.” The Oracle’s message: There is great power in understanding your motives right now. The Oracle asks you to be very clear about why you’re asking this question, looking for this answer, behaving in this way, and, most important, making this choice. Knowing your “why” is the key to fulfillment. When you are cle..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 29번 Breathe (호흡하기) 한글 해석 및 의미

29. Breathe Essential meanings: Patience; waiting; going slowly; wellness; meditation; trust. The Oracle’s message: Patience in all things is called for right now. What do you need to do when you’re in a rush? Slow down, of course. Meditate, and trust. Breathe, and repeat. Humans cannot exist without drawing breath. Now is the time to allow the life-giving element of air to replenish your body, ..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 26번 Happy, Happy (행복) 한글 해석 및 의미

26. Happy, Happy Essential meanings: Joy and content ment; a sense of fulfillment; a feeling that all is well. The Oracle’s message: Your desires are effortlessly fulfilled now. Find joy in the present moment, whatever is happening, and be satisfied with things as they are. You’re free from the shackles of longing and able to experience the liberation that comes from actually being happy moment ..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 25번 Round and Round (빙글 빙글) 한글 해석 및 의미

25. Round and Round The Oracle’s message: The appearance of this card is a reminder that although it may appear that you’ve gone backward, the truth is that you are standing at a higher level, looking down into your circumstances. You will learn something, do something better, and break a cycle set up in the past. You actually have a bird’s-eye view of your initial footprints and can access the ..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 20번 Imagine (상상) 한글 해석 및 의미

20. Imagine Essential meanings: Turning imagina tion into manifestation; creative thought; visualization; the power of aligning imag ery and feelings; creativity; illusions. The Oracle's message: Who do you want to be? What do you need to believe in order to have the life you want? You were gifted with the power to imagine. If you can dream it, you can create it. This is the time when your imagi..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 19번 Flexible (융통성) 한글 해석 및 의미

19. Flexible Essential meanings: Teachability;open mindedness; being adaptable without com promising what's most important. The Oracle's message: A tree's roots are solidly planted in the ground, yet its branches can bend in a hurricane ... where as a rigid structure, like a building, would come crashing down. Consider how the tree remains supple and secure when every thing around it may be in s..
