
Oracle 107

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 11번 By the Book (규칙대로) 한글 해석 및 의미

11. By the Book Essential meanings: Abiding by social rules; conformity; respecting cultural or family customs; universal laws. The Oracle's message: The universe works within a structure of Divine laws and principles that provides a framework for human experience and evolution. The Law of Abundance, the Law of Prayer, the Law of Karma, the Law of Attraction, the Law of Thought, the Law of Compe..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 10번 Unfinished Symphony (미완성 교향곡) 한글 해석 및 의미

10. Unfinished Symphony Essential meanings: Unfinished business; an incomplete lesson; lack of closure; the need to make amends. The Oracle's message: This is a time to tie up loose ends as you near the completion of a cycle or project and mastery of a les son or skill. Before you can move forward, it's important that you come to terms with where you are now. Practice radical acceptance. Take in..

[타로 카드 배우기] 스프레드/배열법

연애운 3카드 스프레드 카드 1과 2는 각각 당신과 당신의 연인을 나타낸다. 가운데 카드는 관계의 역학을 보여준다. 이 간단한 리딩은 관계에서 당신의 역할과 그들이 어떻게 서로 얽혀서 결실을 맺는 파트너십을 형성하는지 보여준다. 이것은 관계가 두 사람에게 잘 맞는지 여부를 빠르게 엿볼 수 있는 방법이다. 3카드 스프레드 3 카드 스프레드는 쉽지만 풍부한 정보를 제공할 수 있다. 필요하다고 느낄 때 자신만의 3장 카드 스프레드를 만들 수도 있다. 세 장의 카드 스프레드는 자세한 내용을 포함하기 위해 단일 카드를 기반으로 한다. 대부분의 리더는 이러한 스프레드를 3단계로 해석한다. 각 카드는 질문의 특정 요소에 답한다. 항상 그렇듯이 개방형 질문이나 문제를 생각하면서 덱을 섞는다. 이 스프레드는 한 단어로 ..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 6번 Not for you (당신을 위한 것이 아니다) 한글 해석 및 의미

6. Not for You Essential meanings: A clear knowing that something is being denied you; “rejec tion is God's protection.” The Oracle's message: There are times when it appears that no matter how deeply you desire something, no matter how hard you work at something, the result you seek always seems to elude you. It's as if you don't really get to be in the game, and you feel you're just watching f..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 5번 Orphaned (고아) 한글 해석 및 의미

5. Orphaned Essential meanings: A sense of loss; an identity crisis; recognizing that you don't fit in; the need to belong; uncertainty about your place. The Oracle's message: We were all meant to have connections with other peo ple-within our families, society, and the larger culture. No man is an island, and it's important to recognize when being "a part of" rather than "separate from" is esse..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 4번 Higher Power (신의 계시) 한글 해석 및 의미

4. Higher Power Essential meanings: Conscious contact with a Higher Power; the presence of the Divine; seeing Source energy in all things; committing to a partnership with Spirit. The Oracle's message: This card re minds you that you are more than a person trying to get ahead and make things hap pen for yourself and others. You have an immortal soul and are gifted with a human life through which..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 3번 Between Worlds (두 세계 사이) 한글 해석 및 의미

3. Between Worlds Essential meanings: Transitions; not being quite out of one situation and fully engaged in another; temporary blindness; no-man's-land. The Oracle's message: Between the worlds is where you must let go of the tendency to make assumptions. This is a time when you are unable to see what is ahead. Cultivate curiosity, and trust the process of change and growth. You are done learni..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 2번 Yin (음) 한글 해석 및 의미

2. Yin Essential meanings: The feminine principle of receptivity; letting someone else make the first move; gathering information and taking in cues; the art of conscious allowing. The Oracle's message: This is a time of calculated receptivity as you gracefully await what is coming to you, ready to accept it when it appears. Yin does not involve frozen dreams or even resting, but rather consciou..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 41. Self Love

41. Self Love We always try to think so highly of the ones we love. We even give strangers the benefit of the doubt. But when it comes to self-love, many of us fall woefully short. To love oneself is to accept imperfection, embrace learning and battle through the all-consuming fires of self-doubt in order to find the energetic balance inside each of us. Be aware of the small, insidious voice tha..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 39. Creativity 창조성

39. Creativity This is a profoundly creative time period for you-whether it is in the traditional arts, music, or writing—or it could be a new curiosity about exploring a way to funnel your creative urges. To be creative, you need to access your right brain-your emotional, sensing, feeling center. Do this by trying things you've never done before-get physical, dance, doodle. When we acknowledge ..
