
Oracle 107

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 32. Struggle 투쟁

32. Struggles Struggle is a part of this life—so much so that you probably know people who seem to constantly attract one struggle after another into their lives. This is their comfort zone. While struggle is natural, it is natural only so far as it lends itself to learning lessons and overcoming inner personal challenges. Beneath every one of these struggles is the gift of enlightenment. The sa..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 31. Omens 징조

31. OMENS Hawks are messengers. This majestic bird flies high and reaches the realms of the spirit. They bring backmessages from both the seen and unseen. Drawing this card speaks of focus and intuition. Pay attention to the coincidences in your life right now. Focus on where you want to go-how high do you want to fly? When you see a hawk, someone is trying to get your attention. Pay attention t..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 21. Transformation 변환

22. Transformation After the rain comes the sun - after the caterpillar comes the butterfly. This situation you are inquiring about is somehow acting as a catalyst for a major transformation. If you find yourself questioning or having regrets - don't. Try not to second guess yourself, or beat yourself up. Nothing happens that is not supposed to. Many of your issues and situations are not anythin..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 19. Unlimited Possibilities 무

19. Unlimited Possibilities When fall turns into winter, the leaves fall from the trees, birds fly south, plants go dormant – some even die having lived the life they were meant to. Do we ever panic and wallow in the fear that this is it? There will never be another robin singing?! There will never be another ripe tomato? No we don't. Why is that? We know that after winter, spring will return, f..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 18. It's all good 다 괜찮아요

18. It's all good Every experience you have in your lifetime has the potential to be a teaching tool. By remembering and embracing this idea, the situations you encounter become less fraught with unneeded emotion and drama. By not attaching labels or expectations to people and situations, you allow the pure divine energy to flow unimpeded. While you may have little control over what happens toyo..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 17. Feminine Energy 여성 에너지

I7. Feminine Energy Darkness. The moon. The tides. The quiet gestation before the chaos — the void. These are all aspects of feminine energy : passive, waiting, gestating, and nurturing. It is the opposite of the prior card : so very different, yet the perfect companion. Perhaps you have yet to find your feminine side. The life you are leading right now has given you opportunities to embrace thi..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 16. Masculine Energy

16. Masculine Energy The sun-powerful, a life force without which nothing on this earth could survive. The masculineenergy is one of action, doing, creating, forcing. Innature it is balanced out with feminine energy. When we find ourselves embodying this energy we get things done—we are thinking, logical beings. If we reside here too staunchly, we do not have any room for the opposite energy to ..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 15. Honoring Your Energy 당신의 에너지를 존중하라

15. Honoring Your Energy We all have those days when we are disinclined to do anything. We try all sorts of mental tricks to talk ourselves into doing what we should be doing. Does this ever work? No. We end up feeling guilty (a very low vibration) for not getting anything done, which causes us to try twice as hard the next day, which causes us to get overwhelmed and exhausted, which then leads ..

샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드 (Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards) 해설 - 12.Truth 진실

12. Truth The eagle proudly surveys its domain from such a high perch that all pertaining to this situation is revealed. The shadows hide nothing from his keen vision. Once you can remove yourself from the muck that lower vibrations keep you in, you can attain a viewpoint that enables you to see the truth of the matter. This card advises you to search for the truth of the situation, regardless o..

[샤머닉 힐링 오라클 카드] Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards - 3. Slow But Steady 천천히 그러나 꾸준하게

3. Slow But Steady Don't rush the situation. More often than not divine timing and our timing are not the same! When you try to speed up a life experience, a relationship or even a project, you circumvent necessary experiences or lessons along the way that will contribute to a perfect outcome. Know that wherever you are in this situation, it's the perfect place for you to be. If this place is ca..
