
타로 카드 & 오라클 카드/위즈덤 오라클 51

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 31번 Why? 한글 해석 및 의미

31. Why? Essential meanings: Motives driving intention; the power of knowing the “why.” The Oracle’s message: There is great power in understanding your motives right now. The Oracle asks you to be very clear about why you’re asking this question, looking for this answer, behaving in this way, and, most important, making this choice. Knowing your “why” is the key to fulfillment. When you are cle..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 30번 Tick Tock (틱톡) 한글 해석 및 의미

30. Tick Tock Essential meanings: Timelessness; Di vine timing; immeasurable time. The Oracle’s message: When humans created time, everything changed and contracted. People have come to look at life in a linear way, imagining that the past is behind them and the future ahead of them. But what if that isn’t true at all? What if everything—creativity, beauty, chaos, and order—were happening now, i..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 29번 Breathe (호흡하기) 한글 해석 및 의미

29. Breathe Essential meanings: Patience; waiting; going slowly; wellness; meditation; trust. The Oracle’s message: Patience in all things is called for right now. What do you need to do when you’re in a rush? Slow down, of course. Meditate, and trust. Breathe, and repeat. Humans cannot exist without drawing breath. Now is the time to allow the life-giving element of air to replenish your body, ..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 28번 Building Blocks

28. Building Blocks Essential meanings: Strong founda tions; a beautiful work in progress. The Oracle’s message: You have everything you need to cultivate an extraordinary life. This is a time when your focus needs to be on the foundations you build upon. Your work, your relationships, and your very being are underwritten by your values, ethics, morals, and core beliefs. Are they still true for ..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 27번 Exchanging Gifts (선물교환) 한글 해석 및 의미

27. Exchanging Gifts Essential meanings: The Law of Giving and Receiving; currency; trade-offs; weigh ing costs and determining value. The Oracle's message: You're entering into a productive and enriching time when all manner of opportunities are being offered to you. You have everything you need to seize them. Yet in order to honor them, The Oracle’s message: You’re entering into a productive a..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 26번 Happy, Happy (행복) 한글 해석 및 의미

26. Happy, Happy Essential meanings: Joy and content ment; a sense of fulfillment; a feeling that all is well. The Oracle’s message: Your desires are effortlessly fulfilled now. Find joy in the present moment, whatever is happening, and be satisfied with things as they are. You’re free from the shackles of longing and able to experience the liberation that comes from actually being happy moment ..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 25번 Round and Round (빙글 빙글) 한글 해석 및 의미

25. Round and Round The Oracle’s message: The appearance of this card is a reminder that although it may appear that you’ve gone backward, the truth is that you are standing at a higher level, looking down into your circumstances. You will learn something, do something better, and break a cycle set up in the past. You actually have a bird’s-eye view of your initial footprints and can access the ..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 24번 Time for a nap (낮잠) 한글 해석 및 의미

24. Time for a Nap Essential meanings: Rest, rejuvenation, and renewal; temporary non-action; allowing dreams to arise. The Oracle's message: This is a time to step away and rest. Let the cares of your world go. Go into a state of non-action, and allow yourself to be free of the shackles of your goals, your lists, your desires. Nothing is as important as rest, detachment, and neutrality. The ove..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 23번 Peace (평화) 한글 해석 및 의미

23. Peace Essential meanings: Freedom from at tachment; radical acceptance. The Oracle's message: It doesn't get any better than this: a quiet mind, a heart fulfilled, freedom from want, and the soul's satisfaction. The way to peace is through radical acceptance. Everything in your world is exactly as it should be. Harmony is beautiful. Enjoy it. Relationship message: When two people are in true..

위즈덤 오라클 카드 / 22번 Blessed (은혜) 한글 해석 및 의미

22. Blessed Essential meanings: Something won derful that is unearned and unexpected; grace that is an unforeseen gift from Spirit. The Oracle's message: There are mo ments in life when, out of the blue, it seems that everything has been orchestrated by Divine intervention. You feel blessed in ways that are difficult to express. It's as if the Red Sea parts in front of you and events come togeth..
